
14 March 2010

Salt Story

This incident happend on air....

Yasmin Yusof, a DJ on Radio 4 asked listeners on her radio program to call to answer trivia questions. The first caller to give the correct answer would get a prize from the sponsor.

She asked:
"Can anyone out there tell me the household name of Sodium Chloride"

A caller who is a housewife called up eager to answer the question. Not knowing the answer to the question, she asked Yasmin for a clue.

"Something you put on your husbands eggs in the morning." she said.

The lady confidently said : "Talcum powder".

Yasmin Yusof did not return to the air until after a few songs!



Fiq said...

apa maksudnya bro? sodium chloride kan maksudnya garam. apa kaitan dgn talcum powder. otak suci murni aku ni tak paham apa yg berlaku. can u xplain it????????=p

Killer_Chan said...

Sodium chloride xde dlm talcum powder ke?
Aku pun jadik x paham ni. Konpius2. :p
**tp bab ko ckp "otak suci murni" tuh aku x bley trima. Statement brani mati yg aku sangkal 100%

hasni said...

patutnya dia awab garam kan?
tetiba lampi

Killer_Chan said...

jawapan dia GARAM tapi.... Haha. :p